
EasyStart CCH Tagetik Starter Kit for Best Practice Group reporting

Pre-configured Satriun starter kit for CCH Tagetik containing best group consolidation, planning and reporting practices available out of the box – licenses, pre-configuration, implementation services and training.

What is EasyStart®? Satriun group reporting and controlling experts created EasyStart®, a group consolidation, planning and reporting starter kit based on CCH Tagetik. This starter kit is perfect for mid sized businesses looking for a best practice, pre-configured and cost-effective solution for their group consolidation, planning and reporting. Want to know more about EasyStart®? See what it covers and what benefits it can bring to you by scrolling down. You can also get in touch with us to ask questions, get mere information and schedule a live demo.


What does EasyStart® cover?

  • Group consolidation, planning and reporting processes with predefined forms for unified reporting of Actual, Forecast, Budget and Multi-Year Plan in one single solution
  • Group Chart of Accounts, compliant with IFRS, IFRS SME or Swiss GAAP FER/OR (RPC/CO)
  • Consolidation Engine with automated eliminations and calculations for Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement
  • Segment Reporting per geographical region
  • Automatic bottom-up Cash Flow Statement
  • Interactive Intercompany Reconciliation Cockpit
  • Comprehensive Validation Rules
  • Pre-defined set of Dynamic Output Reports on single entity and group level
  • «Real» Planning Functionality: «Spreading», «Break-Back» and «Scenario-Planning & Simulation»
  • Analytical tables and reports with Drill Down and Drill Through functionality
  • CFO Dashboards
  • Standard ETL Interface to ERP systems
  • Comprehensive Documentation
  • Standardised Project Approach & Trainings


Advantages of EasyStart®

Efficient Accelerate your CCH Tagetik implementation leveraging our «Best Practice» solution, minimizing risk whilst ensuring project success

Productive We are building the solution for you and train your team during testing, which is highly productive and reduces effort!

Compliant 100% Audit compliance and aligned with the requirements of your accounting standards

Unified Single platform for Consolidation, Budgeting, Planning, Forecasting and Reporting available in the Cloud or On-Premises

Business-owned After implementation your business teams own the solution and are able to maintain and enhance it

Scalable Scale your CCH Tagetik solution to your needs, step-by-step: for your disclosure notes, driver-based planning or dashboarding!


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