Satriun has built expertise in regulatory reporting for corporate accounts, banks and insurances. This expertise has been acquired through academic training and hands-on implementation experience throughout Europe. By covering both regulatory reporting advisory and CPM solutions implementations for IFRS, FinRep, CoRep, and Solvency II Satriun provides a complete service to its clients and delivery of value that many other consultants cannot.
IFRS, US GAAP and local GAAP advisory
Many of our experts are Certified Public Accountants having advised corporations in their first time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards, helping corporations comply with local and international Generally Accepted Accounting Standards or designing compliant reporting data collection packages and reporting financial statements. Satriun is able to provide combined expertise in regulated international reporting and the CPM tools supporting such reporting.
Banking regulatory reporting
Banks active in the European Union see increasing regulatory reporting, especially specific FinRep and CoRep reporting packages to be submitted to EU regulators. Satriun designs and implements CPM solutions that provide structure to the regulatory reporting process, accelerate FinRep and CoRep reporting and increase compliance assurance with EU regulations.
Insurance regulatory reporting
Insurances active in the European union see important new and evolving regulatory reporting needs, especially specific Solvency II (Pillar III) Quantitative Reporting Templates to be submitted to EU regulators. Satriun designs and implements Solvency II-compliant CPM solutions, including the QRTs known and issued today by regulators, but flexible enough to welcome the new regulations to come in the near future.

Top of the league specialists
Our professionals have wide-ranging and demonstrable expertise.
Sophisticated approach
We offer best practices for every issue, based on our own philosophy.
We get the job done!
When others get stuck in the mire, we’re the ones who are brought in to get the job done.
We help your organization achieve its goals
Discover how Satriun can help your office of finance develop
Satriun’s advice is independent
We have a detailed understanding of the software of our Technology Partners and we have a good, close working relationship with them. Our advice is however independent. We have made a deliberate choice not to sell licences as that could leave us open to other considerations, whereas Satriun is all about looking to see what your organization really needs and being able to provide impartial advice.